
Hey guys, thanks for checking out all the ’50 Reasons’!

If you have any suggestions, E-mail us: 50xreasons@gmail.com

Now, since so many of you spew your hatred towards 50Reasons, allow us to rant & explain:

Most of you think we are some 40 year old male slobs that live in our mother’s basements and do nothing all day but sit on our asses and hate life, while taking it out on movies. This isn’t true.

We actually prefer to travel, have day jobs, and also have nice appearances. We like to stay clean. We don’t hate movies, in fact, we LOVE them!

We have over 100 50’s from the past 3 years. If you add up how many days of the year compared to how many 50’s- you can clearly see that this ISN’T our lives. We think the majority of you that get on our website and berate us are the actual losers because it makes you feel better and hide your disgust you feel about your own life.

At the top-ish right of the page, you’ll find our Facebook & Twitter. Even an ‘about us’ will not sway stupid minds, you’ll continue to question the fact that we’re real. Oh well, at least we tried.

Also, we do moderate comments now- so if you feel the need to give us the contents of your bowels through your fingertips, don’t bother, because it won’t get posted.

  1. Please….we depend on your reviews to help us make reasonable and occasionally unreasonable choices in film viewing. The last movie we watched without consulting your site was Skyline. And we were aghast that we wasted so much time on that piece of garbage. We need reviews on Gravity and the new films! Thanks for your service to the public.

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